We are a group of volunteers who visit people held in immigration detention in Larne House here in Northern Ireland. Larne House is a Short Term Holding Centre, which means people can be detained for a maximum of 7 days before they are moved to Immigration Removal Centres (IRCs) in either Scotland or England. We are ordinary people, we are not from immigration and we are not lawyers. We are independent, impartial, and non-judgemental. Our aim is to offer solidarity and practical support.
We offer solidarity. The experience of detention can be traumatic and so we are there to listen and help reduce the feelings of isolation felt by many people held in immigration detention. We cannot provide legal advice but we may be able to signpost to other agencies for help. We can offer practical support such as providing data for phones, collecting bags and signposting to visitors groups in England and Scotland.
We also raise awareness of the immigration detention system and fundraise by holding a solidarity walk every year.
If you are interested in hearing more about our work or volunteering with us, get in touch.
– Quote from person detained in Larne House
Larne House Visitor Group is a member of the Association for Visitors to Immigration Detainees, AVID.
This is the network of voluntary organisations providing support for people in detention.